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October 5, 2022

Georgia Sheriffs Condemn Candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams for Ties to Abolish Police Organization

102 Georgia Sheriffs came together in a Monday press release with Governor Brian Kemp. They blasted democrat Stacey Abrams over her connection to the Seattle-based grantmaking group known as the Marguerite Casey Foundation. Abrams, the Democrat candidate for the Georgia Governor’s Office, is the foundation’s board member and governor.

In Governor Kemp’s press release, the sheriff’s blasted Abrams for her “role in advancing the ‘Defund the Police’ movement and supporting soft-on-crime policies that put Georgia Families at risk.” However, they also praised Governor Kemp for “championing legislation to recruit and retain more officers into the profession, strengthening penalties for criminals helping keep the streets of Georgia safe, and preventing rogue local governments from stripping critical funding and resources from police.

The latest initiative supported by the Marguerite Casey Foundation is the “Answer the Uprising” initiative which established a coalition with other grantmaking organizations to provide backing for groups who call for stripping law enforcement of their budgets.

The Sheriffs and Governor Brian Kemp have called on Abrams to resign from the foundation and disavow the radical anti-police group. Reagan McCarthy, deputy communications director for Governor Kemp’s campaign, said, “Abram’s campaign may be trying to bury her past, but Abrams’ record is abundantly clear at every turn. If she truly supports law enforcement here in Georgia, she should resign her position with the Marguerite Casey Foundation and disavow the radical “Defund the Police” policies that put officers at risk and families in danger.”

Abrams’ campaign spokesperson also released a statement saying that Abrams “does not support defunding the police and is a longtime supporter of investing in law enforcement alongside building community trust and fostering law enforcement accountability. Foundation bylaws prohibit board members from approving, supporting, or opposing any potential grants, all of which are determined by staff. Therefore, no grant the foundation my look at reflects on or changes Stacey’s views.”

What do you think? Should Stacey Abrams resign from the Marguerite Casey Foundation? Do you think she supports law enforcement the way she claims? Let us know in the comment section below.